March 11, 2025
im tired . tired of being unemployed. tired of being ruining things for me because they simply are disgusting people. i know im not the cause of every bad thing but sometimes its hard not to believe i am. i just want to play video games with my friends and get stupid baked. is that too much to ask?
i h8 every 1
March 10, 2025
why do people on multiplayer games SUCK like so fucking bad. i find fun game that i like and im passionate about (this happens rarely with games) and its multiplayer- so i can play it w my fronds ! ! !11! but i have opinions and so do other people so. some almost middle aged guy running off-brand minecraft felt so threatened he had to ban people im just so tired dude. i feel so bad and guilty and i just wanted to play a video game with my friends and maybe my bf sometimes if hes feeling nice
March 10, 2025
i am tired and i should probably go to bed soon. my head be hurting a lot lately and so do everything else so wee! ! ! i need to job search tomorrow oof
Something to keep in mind today
March 8, 2025
not going to do much on the site today but i want to say this- i doubt this is someone aside from me or heaven reading this, but figure out why you're creating things. or why you're doing anything in general. sometimes you need to create things that dont make sense to anyone other than you. its okay to make things that no one else will see. its still purpose driven. its still just as special as that neo page with 16k views and 100+ guestbook entries. your doodle is just as unique and special as that one post from your favorite artist with 1 mil likes. keep doing what makes you smile even if its for no one else but you.
March 6, 2025
NEW LAYOUT BABY!!! I like this one much much better, and again huge thank you to the templates, tutorials and everything inbetween i've used and learned from in the past because without you, i wouldnt be able to do this from scratch. with that being said- obviously things like the left side calender arent mine(which you can click the top link to get!). It will take me a little bit, but I'll be crediting things and explaining the free code i care about. These blog posts will include things about my site here, but a lot of it is personal so dont expect something other than that. Stay tuned!
March 4, 2025
Damn its been a minute since i used my pommy I feel, as usual, fucking weird today. whenever i get back home from bfs theres always the cloud of "wow my life sucks here" when i get back to my own apartment.
February 22, 2025
you know i really fucking hate living in this apartment. tell me why i feel like a fucking third wheel. im tired of this. im gonna play vintage story until bf gets me. i wish i could have a talk with my dad but what good or change would that bring lol.
February 19, 2025
Today is a new day. i would like to try and do better however great things dont happen over night. i will be gentle with myself.
tomorrrow im gonna clean the kitchen! you-know-who will probably get upset about the rice in the sink but who deep cleaned. whos the one picking up after you. i get youve done some of my dishes but as of late i dont dirty much, also be an adult please you live like a pig.
i am feeling particularly suicidal this early eve/morn.
im probably just pmsing which is fine but good god i hate being alive rn
dabs cant hit me hard enough
"Have you ever felt as if you dont belong anywhere, and in that way, wondered what it would be like to live in a place where nobody knows you...?"
February 17, 2025
today has been nice :)
made brekky hash with bebby. it was yummy :D
now im home! i dont write much while im at bfs which is entierly understandable as i am spending time with my precious baby.
i should probably try to head to bed a little earlier tonight, we been going to bed real late this weekend. it was nice to be able to fall asleep on the couch with him on the computer. cooking together was so precious to me. i want to share a space with him so bad i would seriously do the majority hard cleaning/house stuff idk ;-;
February 16, 2025
bleh. i feel like bleh.
i cleaned the apartment a fuck ton before i left yesterday with bf and i made us some yummy curry before we left :) so that was good.
now im just. existing again.
its not his fault at all in the slightest but
i seriously fucking hate just laying in bed with a sleeping person. cant do it. fucking hate it. no one needs to understand why and i dont have to explain to myself- but it literally has nothing to do with him. i hate that im some stupid traumatized idiot who cant love right because some meanie decided to fuck me up.
First Pomera Diary Entry
February 9, 2025
i shitted, i farted yuh
im hongree and high and also i want to kiss my cute boyfriend so bad
my head hurts and has been hurting for like hours. however i am with bf so i could have a splitting headache for days and it wouldnt matter.
im back home. weirdly depressed. i love bf so much and i feel like just sitting with him on the couch all day isnt fully appreciating him but at the same time, he loves that im just okay with existing with him. it feels like its tearing me apart how badly i want to be near him so often.
whatever. i had a wonderful weekend with my handsome man after he had been gone for 16 days so. huge epic win :)
hes such a sweetiepie for getting me my pomera i seriously love it so much and use it all the time.